Tailpipe CLI


tailpipe collectRun a collection
tailpipe compactCompact multiple parquet files per day to one per day
tailpipe connectReturn a connection string for a database
tailpipe helpHelp about any command
tailpipe partitionList, show, and delete Tailpipe partitions
tailpipe pluginTailpipe plugin management
tailpipe queryExecute a query against the workspace database
tailpipe sourceList and show Tailpipe sources
tailpipe tableList and show Tailpipe tables

Global Flags

Flag Description

Sets the search path for configuration files. This argument accepts a colon-separated list of directories. All configuration files (*.tpc) will be loaded from each path, with decreasing precedence. The default is .:$TAILPIPE_INSTALL_DIR/config (.:~/.tailpipe/config). This allows you to manage your workspaces and connections centrally in the ~/.tailpipe/config directory, but override them in the working directory / mod location if desired.

--workspace Sets the Tailpipe workspace profile. If not specified, the default workspace will be used if it exists. See workspace for details.

Exit Codes

0ExitCodeSuccessfulTailpipe ran successfully
1ExitCodeExecutionPausedTailpipe ran without errors but paused waiting input
2ExitCodeExecutionFailedTailpipe completed with one or more errors
3ExitCodeExecutionCancelledThe Tailpipe command was canceelled by user request
61ExitCodeModInitFailedMod init failed
62ExitCodeModInstallFailedMod install failed
250ExitCodeInitializationFailedInitialization failed
251ExitCodeBindPortUnavailableNetwork port binding failed
252ExitCodeNoModFileThe command requires a mod, but no mod file was found
253ExitCodeFileSystemAccessFailureFile system access failed
254ExitCodeInsufficientOrWrongInputsRuntime error - insufficient or incorrect input
255ExitCodeUnknownErrorPanicRuntime error - an unknown panic occurred