Sets the directory for the Tailpipe installation, in which the Tailpipe database, plugins, and supporting files can be found.

Tailpipe is distributed as a single binary. When you install Tailpipe, either via brew install or via the curl script, the tailpipe binary is installed by default to ~/.tailpipe, however you can change this location with the TAILPIPE_INSTALL_DIR environment variable or the --install-dir command line argument.

Tailpipe will read the TAILPIPE_INSTALL_DIR variable each time it runs; if it's not set, Tailpipe will use the default path (~/.tailpipe). If you wish to ALWAYS run Tailpipe from the alternate path, you should set your environment variable in a way that will persist across sessions (in your .profile for example).

To install a new Tailpipe instance into an alternate path, simply specify the path in TAILPIPE_INSTALL_DIR and then run a tailpipe command (alternatively, use the --install-dir argument). If the directory does not exist, Tailpipe will create it.


Set the TAILPIPE_INSTALL_DIR to ~/mypath. You will likely want to set this in your .profile.