

A collection is a tree of Parquet files in the standard hive format. It is created by a plugin when you run the tailpipe collect command.


A collection may result in storage of multiple Parquet files for a given day. Tailpipe can compact those into a single file for the day. This happens automatically when you run tailpipe collect.


A benchmark bundles a set of detections, and/or sub-benchmarks, into a single unit.

Common Fields

In addition to populating a log-specific schema, a Tailpipe plugin can (where appropriate) map log-specific fields to common fields like TpDate, TpIps, or TpUsernames. That enables joins across multiple Tailpipe tables, so you can for example write a single query to look for a known malicious IP address in logs from different sources.


A connection represents a reusable connection to a service. In a .tpc file, the connection block specifies credentials (e.g. an AWS profile or access key) and other information (e.g. AWS region).


A detection is a Tailpipe query, optionally bundled into a benchmark, that runs in the context of a mod. The detection's query looks for a specific pattern. In a Cloudtrail log, for example, an UpdateTrail event with a null KmsKeyId in its request parameters indicates the removal of a KMS key. The AWS detections mod includes cloudtrail_logs_detect_cloudtrail_trails_with_encryption_disabled, a detection that queries for this pattern and associates it with MITRE ATT&CK TA0005:T1562.001.


Tailpipe uses DuckDB, an embeddable column-oriented database. DuckDB reads the Parquet files created by tailpipe collect, and enables queries against that data.


A tree of Parquet files in the Tailpipe workspace (by default,~/.tailpipe/data/default). The tailpipe.db in ~/.tailpipe/data/default (and derivatives created by tailpipe connect, e.g. tailpipe_20241212152506.db), are thin wrappers that materialize views over the Parquet data.


A partition may be subdivided by one or more plugin-defined indexes. A partition of an AWS table, for example, will be indexed by one or more AWS account ids. You can use the index to filter a query, e.g. select count(*) from aws_cloudtrail_log where account_id = '123456789'.


A Tailpipe mod provides the context for detections (usually organized into benchmarks) and/or dashboards.


A plugin-defined mechanism for acquiring log data. When you configure a collection in a .tpc file, you use the source argument. Example values include file and aws_s3_bucket, which are generic ways to acquire log files (enhanced by plugin-specific configuration). A source like pipes_audit_log_api is an example of a plugin-specific mechanism to acquire log data via an API.


Parquet is a columnar storage file format that is optimized for reading and writing large datasets. It is the backing file format of the logs collected via Tailpipe and exposed as tables you query with SQL.


A partition is a subset of a table. The partition block in a .tpc file defines a named partition and includes one or more source blocks used to populate the partition. You can use the partition name to filter a query, e.g. select count(*) from aws_cloudtrail_log where partition = 'prod'.


Every Tailpipe query refers to one more tables built by the collection process.